With enthusiasm, although Suzie and gina kiss slowly and sensually. They soak up the moment and the sensations, letting time stand still as one tongue rests on another until they dancing inside each others mouths. As Gina slowly begins to strip Suzie, first showing her little, torpedo like breasts it is possible to truly feel the anticipation fill the space like a fog, the girls end, breathing heavily on each other because this feeling surrounds them. This shortly metamorphosises into lust which absorbs them, Gina tender humps Suzie about the mattress because she kisses all over her neck, before heading down and sucking her clit and licking firmly on her pussy. The women talk about a scissors location, tribbing their pussies together then kiss, holding each other close and sharing with the sexual energy. All this before Gina includes a deeply intense orgasm in the fingers and tongue of Suzie, she trembles as she retains her fan tight to recuperate.