
Sultry blonde Adara Jordin and I have been lovers for two years now and I simply adore her. I take excellent care of her sugar momma and she brings me much pleasure. We all moan on the bed and I will tell there&severe;s something away approximately Adara tonight. She stutters and stammers subsequently informs me fucked a man and determined she&extreme;s a lesbian. I totally go ballistic and out her. Once she&extreme;s limp I strip away all her clothes leaving her naked wearing her within the knee stiletto boots I bought her. I tie up her arms behind her back and slap across the face to wake her up. When Adara opens her eyes she hardly has time to register that I am wearing my big black dildo strap-on and I am furious. I force the penis deep into her mouth fucking her about pushing the big thing down her throat. I roll the bimbo slut over and fuck her pussy hard and cruelly. Adara cries along with her makeup runs down her face. I mount her doggie style pushing the penis in down to the balls and I gag her with my hand making her choke and gag while her pussy gets pounded. I pull the cheating whore onto my penis and make her ride it like the whore she is. Adara shouts and begs me to forgive her swearing off dick for the remainder of her lifetime, however I don&intense;t believe her… I slap her face and pull her head away from the bed face fucking her brutally then pull her legs up and push my huge black cock in her pussy but I am still not sure she&intense;s discovered a lesson. I mount her slobbering face ramming her mouth till she awakens and sobs. I decide I’m keeping her all weekend pushing a bandana into her huge mouth and gagging her layers of elastic. I then tie up her butt into a hogtie and kiss leaving her lonely bound, gagged, whimpering and sobbing wondering when I’ll go back to violate and abuse her holes again.


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