I understand I do not have as much expertise as some girls my age, that is the reason why I chose this guy called JJ home. He was elderly and has been boasting about the number of women he had been using, so I figured he should know what he’s doing. Initially I was apprehensive and we started messing around. Soon though these matches led on and then he was licking my clitoris, which makes me horny! He understood what he was doing fine! I was just like a woman posessed! I got his cock out and began licking and sucking it, which makes it hard and long. Then he put it into my moist slot and began thrusting. It felt so good, he would alter position and rhythm and grab all the hotspots. Then I felt his finger move in my bum. I’d attempted it in the buttocks earlier, but never enjoyed it so I was really nervous. There wasn’t any problem though. He’d only try and stick it in like some men, he put it up a little with his finger and then after I was prepared slid in his big sausage. I could not believe how great it felt! He started shifting between my bumhole and my fanny and had me writhing in ecstacy. Then he whipped it out and came on my face. I felt like such a dirty little girl who eventually had some expertise!