I stumbled upon this website when searching for the best in interracial porn. I am a married woman who’s married to some white guy who gets away once I fuck huge black cocks. We’re still newlyweds and we believed by living our fantasy ( about camera, not ) that we’d add extra spice to our married bliss. After answering a few questions regarding our life stlye I’d eagerly have a front row seat as Shane Diesel arrived to let me play with his big, black meat. I did my very best to deepthroat that shameful tower of cock but my mouth couldn’t appear to wrap around it all. I could see from the corner of my eye that my guy was enjoying every minute of it. Mr. Kox’s usefulness was clear when he pulled my blond hair while Shane’s fireman’s pole left its way down my neck. I needed to believe what additional white women have felt and that meant using Shane’s beefy black cock jammed up to you can up my birth canal. I allowed my husband to stroke his own little pee pee the entire time since he gave me the green light to have some interracial intercourse. My fat tits stored sanity as Shane’s fat nuts stored against my saturated vulva. What actually got me was kissing my guy’s mouth seconds after sucking a mountain of black dick. I jumped straight back on that black bull and kept riding and grinding him until my pussy was filled with his creamy goodness. I couldn’t put my panties back with all that cum on me so my hubby sucked most of up it. The remainder of Shane’s dick sauce has been pushed back deep within me once I gave my husband that the go-ahead to fuck me as well. Needless to say, he did not last nearly so long as Shane did that’s a common trait with white guys. . . .read more