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Hey Guys, Remember me? It’s ’s Sabina, the Hot and Sexy, Big titty brunette from Chest Republic, Opp’s, I imply Czech Republic.As you may see that I ’ve obtained a hefty pair of melons and a whole lot more. When someone ask about my F-cups, I simply inform them that one F-is for friendly and the other F- is for fruity! Early this morning a guy came into my Lingerie shop,” those pesky ”, I really don’t receive that many Guy customers, however one thing is for certain, when a man does walk in to my shop that he ’s definitely got something for a lady with huge tits. I truly don’t mean to brag, but when tits is just what a man likes. I’ve got exactly what he needs. After saying hi, I inquired if he wanted my help. He said he would first just look around. Most men say that since they are ashamed or don’t have any idea what they’re doing. But straight from the start I got a totally different Vibe from this man. He was dressed fine and seemed to be quite comfy. I hadn’t ever seen him at this shop but I could tell he had been in many shops before Usually I’could take whole advantage of a guy that comes in, since it’s akward for him, but this man had me feeling akward in my particular shop. I chose to see him look around, he was looking for something and also wasn’t locating it, I just didn’t understand what. As he approached the counter asked me about this brand new hot line of merchandise, I’ve been wanting but haven’t managed to get. Before I can answer his phone , while on the phone he asked me what time I closed, I replied. He said that he’d pick me up then, gave me his card and was out the door just like that. When I looked at his card, well he is the fashion designer for, Big & Sexy, which new sexy line, we met for dinner after which we moved back to my place.Once we had been back in my location and company was completed we got down to pleasure. With him a ways out of me I began gradually touching my body, rubbing and grabbing my enormous tits. He came to me and we began kissing. He started squeezing and touching my tits. We slid off my dress, he pulled out my huge soft tits and began licking at them , he ran his tongue over my nipples and started sucking on them. I touched down pulled his cock out and slid it in my hot moist mouth. I bobbed my head up and down his prick, I could feel that his cock filling my mouth as I grew larger and larger. I pulled his wet thick cock out of my hot mouth and put down. He opened my legs, pulled my panties to the side, and began massaging my pussy. He rubbed my twat from top to bottom and teased my clit. Then he slowly slid his fingers inside my hot juicy pussy and began moving them in and out. He gave my sexy juicy pussy a good fingering, he then started lapping away at my juices. He shot his long hard cock and then slid between my big soft tits and started fucking them. I had been getting so excited seeing him slide his cock between my tits over and over. He slipped his long hard cock from between my tits, I achieved grabbing it and stuck it in my mouth. I slurped and slobbered all over his penis from top to bottom before yanking it out. He took his thick slobbery penis and hammering it straight between my tits for the following fucking. He slipped off my underwear and I ended up on all fours, he got behind me and slid his throbbing cock deep inside my tight wet hole. He started hammering his big thick cock in and out of the wet pussy hard and fast. My tits were bouncing and shaking as he pounded away tougher and tougher. He slipped his slick cock out of my wet pink hole and stuck in directly in my mouth, then it was covered with all the juice out of my pussy and tasted so good. I bobbed my head up and down on his penis sucking my pussy juice and then leaving behind a great slobbery coat. He grabbed my tits and started squeezing them and pinching my nipples. My pussy was becoming infatuated with his every touch. He reached down and began rubbing my wet pussy from top to bottom, massaging my swollen clit hard and quick. He spread my thighs wide open and shoved his long thick cock back into my pussy. He began sticking his penis into my hot wet cunt as deep and as hard as he can, over and over. I held my large meaty melons in my hand and squeezed them tight, so pushing them as he kept driving his cock deeper and deeper into my pussy. He slid his cock from my moist pussy and stuffed it back into my mouth it was sweet and hot. I sucked his throbbing cock from top to bottom, sticking in my mouth as far as I could. He laid down and stuck his hard cock back in my hot moist hole. He started pumping his prick in and out quickly and challenging, I grabbed my tits and started licking my nipples. He pushed his thick cock deeper and deeper into my moist pussy, with his balls slapping up against my swollen pussy lips over and over. He slid his cock out of my sexy wet twat and laid on his back, I got on top, with my round buttocks facing him and slid his hard meaty cock back in my pussy. I slid my ass up and down his cock before I leaned back and allow him to take control. He slid his long cock out of my pussy hard and fast my huge tits were bouncing up and down. He kept thrusting his cock deeper in my pussy with terrific force. I made up slipping his moist throbbing cock out of my twat. He took his penis, stuffed it into my mouth and started pumping it in and out over and above. I grabbed his long thick shaft and began licking at it from top to base I stuck it in my mouth and started sucking it as hard as I could, slurping and slobbering all over it. I got back on all fours, he immediately mounted up from high over and started drilling my pussy with hard deep strokes. He slowly pulled his large hard cock out of my pussy, I got back on my knees in the front of the mattress and I slid it into my warm moist mouth. I gave his cock a good shellacing. I pulled his moist throbbing cock out of my mouth and began jerking it up and down, hard and quick. I reached down with my other hand and began working with my clit. He kept a tight firm grip on his penis and jerked him off until he got a massive hot sweet load of cum over my face tits and in my mouth. I trapped his cock back in my mouth and suck on it completely dry. Then I rubbed his hot creamy cum all over my big meaty tits. Tags: 1by-day, Big Tits, Blowjobs, Cum On Tits, Doggy Style, Fingering, Handjob, Hardcore, High Heels, Indoor, Medium Skin, Orgasm, Pussy Licking, Reverse Cowgirl, Sabina K, Titty Fuck |
Hey Guys, Remember me? It’s 1by-day 2005 Sabina K Doggy Style, Blonde Hair
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