Home Alone Menover30 2010 Brenden Cage Gay Porn


A brand new face graces us this week. At 33, this New York native has a lot to flaunt. Brenden Cage is a style to say the very least. He’s an outgoing personality. Since he goes both ways, he can talk about his special sense of comedy. Brenden is your typical New Yorker and loves to brag about the Big Apple, even recommending his favourite pizza back home. Rays Pizza seemingly has a place in his heart. Brenden got into the business because he was constantly jerking off and attempting to get laid everywhere, so he guessed he might have the ability to get compensated for this. His favourite orgasm so far was heading home with a woman that picked him up. She wanted him to fuck her while her husband watched. While he was fucking herhusband started eating his buttocks. That sent him over the border and also gave him a mind blowing orgasm. He loves getting his ass eaten while fucking. Hes a firm believer that less is not moremore IS more. Im into multiple spouses he acknowledges. . .and Im not that picky either This exhibitionist loves to flaunt his beefy frame, and who are we to judge? This piece of Pepperoni goodness is more than welcome to haul his additional topping for us anytime he wants. Thats definitely excellent eats.Brenden is sitting on the sofa and cant wait to begin. Theres no mistaking an actual exhibitionist that feeds off the knowing that youre hanging on his every movement. He starts caressing his pecs before peeling away his tank. After he gets his shirt off, he continues to research his broad arms and torso. The entire time, Brenden is making love to to the camera like a true professional. He slides his shorts off slowly as they struck the ground. Once he gets his shoes and socks off, he slowly starts to perform his growing prick within his hot briefs. Brenden works out, along with his devotion pays off. His thighs are beefy and muscular. Since he intends to tease us with the last layer of the vestment, they contribute to the awesome view that’s unfolding before our eyes. Brenden has a spectacular ass. Its no wonder that that small tramps husband dropped right in tongue just seeing him fuck her. Hes just human. Brendens bum is nothing shy of amazing. Brenden knows exactly what hes working with. He bends over on the sofa and provides us a leading performance as he spreads that beefy, muscular ass wide open and plays his hole for us. This fuckers working it!Brenden stands and holds a pillow over his bloated cock, providing us last layer until we get the merchandise. Brenden enjoys the whole chase sequence and likes to force you to work for it before he shows you just what youve been looking for. He drops the pillow plus stands over the camera as he slowly strokes and lubes his cock to you. He gradually spins and twirls his fist all over his engorged bone. (Feel free to open up and state Aaah!) Brenden then sticks on a chaise to port his swollen meat. He jacks his cock deliberately, needing to make you enjoy every moment. Soon he is lost in his very own private heaven. Brenden admits he likes to consider himself jacking off while he melts away. Kinda odd, but for this industry. . .thats actually rather tame. His cock is rock hard, and now we could hear his breath labor as he squeezes his cock faster and faster. Brenden is in his own world and forgot about his sensual session. Hes a guy on a mission, and also hes not gonna continue much longer at the fevered rate hes functioning. His eyes are sealed shut, and his fist is currently a blur. He grimaces as he gasped to the final fireworks. His body tenses, and he grunts that a last warning. Hes cumming, and hes doing all over his hot abs and cock. Whew. Our poor little New Yorker is spentliterally. Time for a nap.

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