My favourite thing in the entire world is big penis. My buddies tell me that the younger a black stud would be that the longer he will fuck. My milf girlfriends told me with a little construction site which has a young black bull working on it. I had to watch myself approached him and he had been a little worried that Id cost him his job. The only job that he had to worry about was stuffing my soaking wet Cougar pussy filled with foot-long black penis. My tight little pussy nearly torn apart because he fucked me like his little black cock slut. He turned me around and proceeded to move balls deep. I was fearful wed get caught in addition to his huge cock going soft because we had been onsite. But, hes no flaccid failure like the white guys I no longer date so that worry went out the window. I couldnt wait for the head to be the perfect canvas for him to unload a wave of black cum. Im one cougar that’s currently 100% into interracial sex and you may see why….My milf pussy is still sore but its a good pain.