Paul is a amateur body builder.As he had been showing us a few of his favorite presents, he remarked,”The one distinction is that I usually have a small posing back on. “And :”Im nude now.” I dont believe Paul really knew to make of the whole thing.He laughed and laughed when we asked him to show us asshole. “I didnt,” he kept saying. “I cant. “However, he eventually did, and every time he whined his asshole winked. If we brought that to his attention, he got much more embarrassed!When inquired about his sexual inclination, the 19 year old was fast to respond,”Im directly. Im right. “But then added:”I’ve had some guys provide discount jobs. “Paul has a couple of interesting reglious-oriented tattoos. Praying palms onto his left pec and three spans on his back. I didnt ask! (But when he return to fuck or get fucked it might make for some intriguing imagery!)