As most pretty girls do I always get my way. At times it signifies flirting with the right individual. Sometimes it means allowing someone slap my bum on occasion. At times it means letting the boss throw me around his desk and fuck me till he's drained his balls.When the huge supervisor OT called me to his office I believed I knew what I was going to have to do. I'Id shake my pretty little ass in my own face. Maybe bat my pretty little eyes and he'd ignore the simple fact that my earnings have been dropping steadily. Rather OT had his own thoughts. After I tied me up with rope in a number of different ways for Hardtied I found myself straddling a cube of timber which was far too sharp in the top. My head has been totally coated with a thick leather purse. I could barely breath through the nose holes. If he put clamps on my nipples I knew I was in for a dreadful time. I should not have flirted with OT.I tried to entice him to fuck mebut he only wanted to put me in different contorted horrible devices. He finally gave me an orgasm, but perhaps not how I needed it. I wanted him to fuck me. I want them to fuck me. What could I say? I'm Ariel Blue and that I 'm a dirty slut!