Rae Rodgers, calling herself Sky Rodgers, knows that being a Cougar at a higher education environment has its own benefits. Among the finer black men on campus, Jason Brown, needed to bring a class so that he could graduate in time. I needed my white pussy full of black dick so that it seemed like wed be helping each other out. He initially refused my advances however, the rock hard black penis which popped said differently. I was soon on my desk because his black dick stuffed me up with interracial sexual goodness. The echoes of the ebony balls slapping against my white butt could be heard several classes down. I couldnt wait to find that this young black stud take at a load of cum from his huge cock and I wasnt disappointed in its own creamy depth. You can call me one satisfied Cougar whos today making interracial sexual studies a compulsory class next semester. Im currently producing house-calls to each of my black pupils because small dicks just dont make the grade .