My rich white hubby is constantly out of town since he does own his very own baseball team. He also gave me the opportunity to scout potential talent to allow him to bring on board. I was walking through the park and I spotted a healthy youthful black boy taking practice swings. I had other things in my head since I questioned him regarding his baseball abilities. I was much more worried about his capacity to fuck white cougar pussy. I made him back into my house my husband and I discuss to be able to get a close look at the bat in my black guys pants. I teased him a little by licking up and down his black shaft and also nearly got lockjaw when I gagged on it. I think that I could take him my MILF pussy however I wasnt giving the chance to shoot over a foot of black dick at the same area that my husband thinks is just his, hahaha what a pity. I loved the interracial cumshot that my upcoming participant summoned on me and Ive told my husband to hire the man or Im taking half of his shit. Call me a cougar. Telephone me assertive. It is possible to never doubt my ability to take in young black penis for selfish purposes.