
Pretty brunette vixen Terra Mizu decides to seduce her guy with some hot self bondage. She strips down to her lacey bra and panties, a beautiful classic garter belt and stockings and of course her stiletto high heels. Terra starts by closely binding her legs together and she’s ´therefore getting hot simply imagining the excellent sex that they&extreme;ll have if he arrives and sees her tied up. Next she rolls out a red ballgag and straps on in tight and nice. The drool begins instantly and Terra understands this also will turn him . Terra stands up and provides a pussy splitting crotch rope to maintain herself warm and moist until he gets home. Subsequently the leggy girl gets off the sofa and peeking her knees together moaning softly to himself. The door opens and Terra hopes to see that her boyfriend enter the space, but it is me arriving to collect the rent. Terra mumbles through her gag, but I am really annoyed at her for not spending time. I am not here for games and fun ! You haven´t paid the rent in two months and you sit around all day doing nothing. I roughly grab her in a choke hold and wrench her arms behind her back welding her elbows along as if they were glued. I tug her bound arms up and tie her arms. Subscribe Terra – II´m definitely going to get my money one way or the other. I&severe;m going to make a video of you being a damsel in distress and also sell it on the internet. Terra sobs throughout her gag, but I don´t care. Bitch – get a damnn job!!! Oh sweetie – that ballgag isn&extreme;t almost jammed in tight sufficient for a damsel!! I crank up the strap a few notches and watch as her eyes glow. I lay the tall item down on the floor and finish her off in a tight hogtie. How&severe;so babydoll? I lay down to Terra and grope her panties body and those big tits. Are you adorable all of I really laugh. I leave her bound, gagged and unable in the anal intercourse. Off I go to grab my own camera. Too bad that this wasn&severe;t what Terra had in mind when she began her self bondage!!


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