
I had electrical work done in my kitchen and I hired a local electrician that I found of Craig&severe;s List. He made a wreck of my entire kitchen operating extension cords all over to repair the problem. I start yelling at him – I&severe;m not giving you a dime – get out now!! Suddenly he catches me into a demanding choke hold pressing a blade against my throat. He catches a roll of electrical tape and brutally binds my wrists behind my back with the tape. I beg him to stop and that he takes the kitchen sponge and then shoves it in my mouth sealing it in tightly with black electrical tape. He manhandles my tits and ass and smacks me. I try to scream but my sounds are muted and silenced by the mouth stuffing gag. He tapes up my elbows beating them together and pushes me down to the floor. I wiggle my bum to try to eliminate but he’s too powerful and too quickly. He quickly tapes my knees together and then my ankles. I manage to sit and struggle to get the tape off with a wrench he left the ground, but he catches me and roughs me up some more adding alot tape over and under my tits so that my bound arms are trapped tightly against my spine. He grabs more tape and provides a few more layers around my mind gagging me even more. He tapes my palms after which hogtapes me and that I can barely move. He slowly collects his tools and leaves me completely helpless brutally gagged and taped painfully rolling around my kitchen flooring


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