Triple Header Circlejerkboys 2006 Chris Burg Gay Porn


Galloping in by the ranches of Oregon and also leaving the spouse in the home, 23 year-old Chris looks every inch the corn fed cowboy he is, with a slender body from hard job, not massaging , and with strawberry blond hair along with the requisite farmers tan. When we watched the ink peeking out of their sleeves of the t-shirt, it was just a small hint that there’s more to Chris than the mere country bumpkin, but a wolf in sheeps clothing, not afraid to express his sexuality and discuss a sexual sexual urge. Chris is a man on a mission and could not wait to get out of his clothes. Any concerns of him getting to the winners circle also fast vanish almost instantly as you’ll soon see; he cums across the finish line three times.One hand disappears to his black fighters, the other catches the lube and instantly which Awww shucks smile is replaced by the look of sexual Zen only accomplished by a man who knows how to flip himself with every touch. Grinding against the pillow before turning to hump it, he is the traditional straight man displaying what a hot fucker he’s, oblivious to the fact that the view allows us the best lingering look in a round, white hot ass butt that definitively has done some pumping. He operates his way all the way up the mattress until he is sitting on the headboard, letting that now hard dick move by itself because those tats dancing on an arm that is as pumped up because his prick. Using that erection to perform with the pliers on the back of the chair such as a select on guitar strings, he functions that rod like a Royal virtuoso; one handed, two handed, no hands, brief tight strokes, so long dramatic ones, until these nuts tighten in the shape of ripe pear. Moving into the bed using a strength fueled by demand, he catches his shaft with such forcethe veins on his toenails turn into observable and his lower abdomen are sprinkled in spooge while a look of sheer satisfaction covers his face. Since one good turn deserves another, together with his penis never going soft in between, Chris suggested we keep the cameras rolling as he produced load number twice as the reason . Over 5 minutes later, he proved that three times is the attraction as a third and last eruption completed the Triple Crown!

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